Dislocated Worker Program
Unemployed? If you’re permanently laid off, we can help you find your next job.
We offer career counseling, job training, resume development, placement services, and financial support. All free through the government-funded Dislocated Worker Program.
Sign up today at 612-676-3700.

Who we are
& What we do:
Minnesota Job Partners is affiliated with the Teamsters. With union roots, we help our clients get good jobs with higher pay. We believe all people deserve a living wage, health insurance, time to care for their loved ones, and the ability to grow old with dignity.
We take a holistic approach to each client’s wellbeing by helping them first take care of their health insurance and finances. We are trained to provide Trauma Informed Care for clients impacted by recent racial violence and the pandemic.
We recognize that Minnesota suffers from some of the worst racial disparities in the nation when it comes to wealth, health, and education. We are focused on improving outcomes for populations facing barriers to employment; specifically, women, people of color, immigrants, LGBTQ individuals, veterans, and people with disabilities. We are also focused on empowering our clients to get the training they need for a higher-paid, higher-skilled, in-demand job.

Our Values:
MISSION. We advance economic opportunity for all and give people hope whenever they lose a job or face life’s challenges.
LABOR. We believe all workers deserve a living wage, safe working conditions, a predictable schedule, affordable healthcare, time to care for loved ones, and a dignified retirement.
RESPECT. We assure a respectful environment that fully welcomes and leverages all aspects of our diversity. All staff and clients are valued, respected, and heard.
DIVERSITY. Our workforce has a healthy mix of demographics at all levels – gender, race, age, abilities, etc.
EQUITY. We provide fair treatment, opportunity, and advancement while striving to identify and eliminate barriers.
INCLUSION. We foster a culture where everyone feels a sense of belonging and can be their authentic self at work.

If you are interested in our program, please call (612) 676-3710. One of our enrollment specialists will conduct a brief phone screening with you to determine your eligibility.
You may be eligible if you:
have been laid off through no fault of your own,
are eligible for unemployment insurance,
were fired, but are eligible for unemployment insurance,
lost your job during a mass layoff event (50 or more people in one layoff event),
worked for an employer not covered by unemployment compensation law,
were self-employed and can provide documentation of business failure,
are a displaced homemaker,
are a military reservist returning from active duty within the last three years.